
Showing posts from March, 2022

32yr old female with generalized weakness and joint pains

A 32yr old male was brought to casualty with c/o fever since 1 week. Headache since  5 days Generalized weakness and joint pains. HOPI : Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back. Then he developed fever which is moderate to high grade, intermittent ( on and off). He visited a local  RMP and took medication. There was mild relief of symptoms. His outside reports were  PLT - 1.06 lakhs. Not a k/c/o DM, HTN, thyroid, asthma, TB, CAD and, CVA. No h/o any bleeding manifestations (malena, hemoptysis, hematemesis).  No h/o nausea and vomitings.  No h/o loose stools, burning micturition, cough.  No h/o SOB, pedal edema, bowel disturbances.  Personal history : Diet g mixed, sleep - adequate, appetite - normal., bowel and micturition - normal.  General examination :  Patient is c/c/c moderately built and nourished.  No  pallor, icterus, cysnosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy or edema Vitals: Temp - 101F PR-81 bpm BP - 110/70 mmHg Spo2 - 99%. RR - 21 CPM Systemic Examination : CVS - S1 S2 + R

52yr old Female with Diabetic Ketoacidosis secondary to GE

  52 year old female who is a farmer by occupation came to the casuality with   Chief complaints- -Shortness of breath since afternoon  -Vomitings since afternoon -Pain in Abdomen since afternoon -Discomfort in upper abdomen(Indigestion) since afternoon HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS : Patient was apparently asymptomatic initially then developed- Shortness of breath since afternoon(grade 2 to grade 3) According to NYHA classification  C/o Vomitings ( 3 episodes food particle as content) , which is non-bilious and non-projectile  C/o Pain in Abdomen ( diffuse type) associated with loose stools  ( 2 episodes ) which is non-blood stained and non-foul smelling C/o Dyspepsia since afternoon PAST HISTORY :  Similar complaints in the past ( was admitted in our hospital and treated 9 months back )  K/c/o DM  since 4 years on insulin (HAI -17 U -x-10U) N/ k / c /o  HTN , Asthma , Epilepsy , TB  O/E :   Patient is conscious,coherent and cooperative BP:120/60mm Hg  PR ; 112 bpm  Regular RR :30 / min