
Showing posts from October, 2022

40yr old with Pain Abdomen

47 M came with chief complaints   -Fever since 2 days  -vomiting since 2 days -pain in  abdomen since  2 days  -Burning micturition since 2 days HOPI: patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 days ago, then he developed fever which is ,intermitent, associated with chills and rigor,relieved on medication, - vomiting from 2 days, food as content,non -projectile,3 episodes / day -pain in  abdomen from 2 days, pricking type,non radiating,in right hypochondrium - burning micturition from 2 days -uprolling of eyes,stiffness of both upper limbs yesterday  PAST HISTORY: K/C/O epilepsy 15 years ago, 3 episodes  N/k/C/O Diabetes mellitus,asthma,tb H/O fracture of left lower limb 15 years ago and operated  PRESENT HISTORY: Appetite -Nornal Diet-Mixed Sleep-Adequate Bladder habits-regular Bowel habits-regular Addiction:used to binge alcohol 15 years ago ,then after drinks occasionally GENERAL EXAMINATION: patient is conscious, coherent, co-operative,well oriented to time,place, person No pallor,icter

80 year old Male with chief complaints of burning micturition, pain abdomen and SOB

80yr old male came to the OPD with chief complaints of: Fever since 10days Burning micturition since 1day Decrease urine output since 1day Pain in left loin region since 1day Shortness of breath HOPI: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10days back then he developed fever which is high grade , intermittent which is not associated with cold/cough/chills and rigors which subsided on taking medication. Later he developed burning micturition, pain abdomen ( left loin region) which is non radiating and dragging and decreased urine output with dark yellow coloured urine since 1day. He had a sudden episode of diminished mentation associated with spontaneous micturition yesterday PAST HISTORY:- K/c/o hypertension since 1 year N/k/c/o DM, TB, Asthma, Thyroid disorder, Epilepsy. H/o kidney infection 4 years back which relieved on treatment (similar  loin pain- may be pyelonephritis - complained hematuria and burning micturition) H/o trauma to Right Lower end of tibia- fracture, malunion FAMILY H

