
Showing posts from December, 2022



38 yr old with Pain Abdomen

A 38yr old male resident of West Bengal , civil engineer by occupation came to the OPD with chief complaints of abdominal pain since 5 years HOPI :- Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 years back then developed pain abdomen which is sudden in onset , gradual in progression , dragging type radiating to back which aggravates on intake of food, alcohol and relieved on medication.  From last 5 years he has episodes of abdominal pain occurring once in 3 months later from last 6 months pain occurs more frequently/daily? For the past 1 year patient has episodes of vomiting followed by pain in abdomen at least once in 2 months which is non bilious and water as content associated with weakness and giddiness On13th November he had multiple episodes of vomiting after lunch, initially vomiting containing food particles (yellowish)  later watery associated with weakness and giddiness and not relieved on medication. On 23rd November he had similar episode of pain and took medication He also compla