
Showing posts from January, 2023

Prefinals- PAPER 2


Prefinals PAPER-1


62yr old with pedal edema and fever

A 62 year old male came to the OPD with chief complaints of:- Pedal edema since 1 month Decreased urine output since 1 month Fever since 2 days HOPI :- Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 years back then developed pedal edema, shortness of breath, fever, cough and was admitted in a private hospital hyd and diagnosed as renal failure. In February/march 2022 patient came to kamineni Narketpalli with chief complaints of shortness of breath and decreased appetite and undergone dialysis under 3 sessions and was on conservative management. In November 2022, patient came with similar complaints and undergone dialysis here Now he developed pedal edema since 1 month which is pitting type and complained of fever since 2 days which is continuous ,high grade and associated with chills and rigor. H/o nausea, vomiting, anorexia 04jan night. Vomiting is non projectile, non bilious, non blood tinged contained food particles associated with nausea in 2-3 episodes. No h/o burning micturition, pain abd